U GOTTA Chek tis out!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Xorrweb is my new tech startup...

we offer services like WEBSITE CREATION,SECURITY to existing websites(penetration testing),and SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS on ethical hacking,website development etc..

check us out!!

Btw v r a bunch of teenagers who have started this company.

CEO and Co founder.Xorrweb(18 yrs old)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A simple virus or a crash:P

Well..now il jus post abt how to create a simple virus or how to code a crash..:P

its very simple and dont worry ..its jus a temporary crash..:)

jus go to notepad...

and type the following:


and save the file as a.bat...(.bat is an extension for batch files)

click on the file..and ul c wat it does..

dont worry ..its a temporary crash:)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

TO view BLOCKED websites!!

Most of ta companies,schools and colleges block certain websites...like facebook.com,orkut,com etc...

but as every1 in ta world hav bcum social networkkin addicts...it bcums impossible to live without tem even fo a second:P

so i thought itl b useful if i post sumtn related to it:)..

well..if youtube is blocked at ur workplace or ur college..

all u have to do is ...instead of    http://www.youtube.com

jus add a letter 's' infront of http..

tat is..


Now ul b able to access the website as ta 443 port or the secure port of ur computer opens:)..

sumtimes tis may not work..

so  i suggest u use web proxies..tat helps u surf the web anonymously...

do not click on all the proxy website providers..as its generally a HACKER TRAP..

some of the authenticated proxy providers are:



now i hope ur frustration at school or ur workplace will b reduced to a great extent:P

Monday, December 6, 2010

jus installed the new CHAT feature:)

Folks..ive jus installed the chat feature on ma blog:)..

u can either sign in with ur facebook acc ..or ur chatroll acc..

or u can sign in as a guest user and chat:).
any useful suggestion is welcomed:)

WANA PREVENT ur FACEBOOK o GMAIL acc frm bein HACKED??read tis1

This is a video on phishing..


jus use it fo educational purpose..and to PREVENT urself from fallin trap to the hackers phished page..

jus use it on ur own ID..

and experiment..:)
always remember: 'DO NOT CLICK ON UNKNOWN LINKS:)'
and plz do leave ur valuable comments:)